Monday, September 22, 2008

Rawr, I am an octopus that is scary and will stare at you with my huge eyes!

Lalalalalala. I am quite hyper today. I don't know why. I slept through math class. (Okay, well, so did everyone else. Including the uber-amazing guy who sits next to me. He is some kind of awesome.)

I got my copy of the music for Sweeney Todd today. I haven't looked through it yet. It majorly scares me, actually. Because from what it looks like, ST is a long-ass show. Like, no lie. I've never played music for that long before (although Carmina Burana and Caccia and Chorale last year kinda come close with the sheer intensity of it all.).

Anyway. It's been a long long long time since I've updated. So, over the week I was very stressed. And that carried over into the weekend. And I threw a temper-tantrum at work. And my coworker sent our other coworker to check on me. It was quite nice, actually, because he is a really sweet guy. Even if he is taken.

Hm... what else? Um... Saturday. We were pulling arrows at work, and usually when we enter the room we shout random nonsense to the customers to make them smile. My traditional statement is "Don't shoot me, I'm too cute to be a target!" Not quite true, but whatever. After maybe half the day of working, at some point I go in and say it in my cutesy-pie voice, and then turn my back to start pulling the arrows, and a guy shouts in "Yes, you are!" That pretty much made my day. But then later that night a drunk guy started harassing me. Thank God a guy from the AAFD was standing there to make sure I was all right. Thank you, random fire-department guy.

What else? Oh. Karma bit me in my rear end. Japan came and bitched me out. But I deserved it. But really, in the middle of a work day? (Karma's retaliation on her came when she was forced to go on break when I waved at her to say hi.) [And yes, even though you're not reading this, Japan, I do realize that you are a girl with a vagina. Usually, girls and vaginas go together. I didn't need that particular information reinforced. I don't want to think about those when I'm at work, thanks! LOL.]

Aaaaaand.... I'm starting bassoon lessons soon! Friday, I believe. With a student (I believe) at UMD! She sounds very nice from the email contact we've had. Which makes me happy. I don't want an older version of myself giving me lessons.

All right, I'm off to bed and whatnot. Check in with you laters.

Peace, love, and coconut-cream pie.

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