Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bow for the King.

Ignore that small script at the bottom. I don't feel that that's relevant to this picture. And I'm not exactly incorrect in thinking this. I know they talk about me. Because according to Japan the other day, Bubbles told her all about a disagreement we had. And about a panic attack I had. And, you know, Bubbles would never have told me about anything that would happen with a mutual friend. Bubbles never talks to me about anything. Yes, this is a bitch-rant. Fucking deal with it.

I always feel like I'm bugging Bubbles when I talk to her about something... and when I had a panic attack the other day, I felt like I was hugely inconveniencing her. And I probably was. And when we talk, she always always always makes me feel stupid... although I'm sure she doesn't mean to. Japan does the same thing, but Japan does it in a way that makes her come of as being a little bit of an ass. The way Bubbles does it, though, it particularly hurts...

Have you ever had one of those days where you thought everything was crashing down on you all at once, after it had all just piled up for the past few days? I had that yesterday. The Bubbles/Japan thing, school, everything. What was the big thing? Bubbles talking down to me about school. Not just because of how she said it, but because she was wrong. And, of course, probably wouldn't care at all about anything that happened yesterday. She even said it herself once. She's only still friends with me because she knows that without her, I'd be absolutely alone. And yes, I do have that saved somewhere.

Don't let me poison you against her though. She's my best friend. I love her like a sister. (I love her more than I love my actual sister.) But sometimes... I question how she views our friendship [I don't question it to her, though, because that makes me look like the stupid, immature thing that I am...]

Bitch-rant over. Please return to your regularly scheduled Internet browsing.

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