Friday, August 15, 2008

Oh, where is my hairbrush?

(I can't remember the name he and I decided on, so now his name is Highway).

I have never met Highway in my life. In fact, we've only been talking online for like a month or so. He and I met through our friend Teapot, who has also never actually met Highway. And I don't know whether it's because he's just a good listener/advice giver, or whether it's just because he's a new person to talk to who is not judgemental, but I feel more comfortable talking to him than I do talking to Bubbles. [My entire friendship with Bubbles will be outlined in a future entry.] But anyway.

Highway and I have this kind of game where one of us will be an advice columnist and the other will come up with a situation that needs advising. For Highway, it's to practice/get inspired for his advice blog, which I will link you to at the end of this entry; for me, it's to practice for being a guidance counselor some day. And we were playing this game, and I sent him a situation that was actually really true, but I wasn't about to admit it to him or anyone else. But when I sent him the situation, it kind of... it felt really good. And the advice was good.

Another time, more recently, I was having a really bad night. And I was talking to Highway. And I mentioned that I was having this intense need to start up one of my not-so-good habits again. Highway, being the good advice giver he is, gave me all these reasons he could think of for me not to. And I really appreciated it because he let me sit there and try to argue against his logic, and he didn't yell about me putting up a fight. In the end, I didn't end up doing what I felt like doing after talking to him.

The PostSecret above really fits the whole situation. I mean, I barely know Highway at all, making him a stranger. And I've still told him things I'd never tell Bubbles (who is kinda my best friend.)

There's my entry. Deal with it folks.

The link to Highway's blog is

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