Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Bet My Cat Likes Lasagna

I love Garfield and his sarcastic, witty humor. And this picture? Is kind of awesome right now. Today has been "one of those days." But it relates to days past, so just kind bear with me.

So, the other day, I had AOL Instant Messenger (also known as AIM) open, and I was talking to Bubbles in one window and Teapot in another window. And I said something in my conversation with Bubbles about something "pointless, like a circle." And, thinking that the whole conversation was a little absurd in the way that Bubbles and I are absurd, I sent that excerpt to Teapot. Teapot then proceeded to poke fun at me because "Circles have more points than anything else!" Well, yes, a circle in geometry class might have more points than anything else, but your average circle is round, and therefore has no points. I just kinda shrugged this off; after all, I did just barely pass Geometry.

Today, however, I was talking to my friend Sushi, who pointed out that "Sew is only one letter away from screw." Again, thinking that this was kinda funny, I sent this to Teapot. Who then pointed out that it was, in fact, two letters away. I defended the claim of "one letter" because I didn't look closely enough. As soon as I sent my response, however, I noticed that it was indeed two letters. And then Teapot felt the need to laugh at my defense of my statement (yes, he did laugh, and did point out that it was because of my defense.). Teapot is supposed to be one of my closest friends, but I'm starting to wonder about that, since apparently he must think I'm stupid.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm majorly ticked at Teapot now?

Anyway. This morning I dyed a shirt for work. I thought it went well, until I remembered that I forgot to add salt and detergent to the dyebath. This kinda frustrated me, but fabric dye isn't expensive, so I can always do it again if something happens in the future.

Later in the day, a friend (who is mentally behind) told me that she was worried that I would fail out of high school my Senior year. I honestly don't know why she said this, since the year hasn't even started yet, and I'm not taking many hard classes. Way to make me feel like I'm smart enough to finish high school, let alone go to college.

While I was doing some sewing, my cat decided it would be fun to sneak up on the side of the couch and stick her claws into my arm and sewing project. This was a little annoying, but I just brushed her away and continued working.

Then, Teapot Instant Messaged me and complained about all of the summer AP work he had to do. This made me kind of angry, because all summer he's been "AP work this" and "AP work that." Okay, well, I didn't get selected to be in any AP classes for next year, and that still kind of hurts. So, I would now like ot point out that I have no sympathy for Teapot whatsoever. He and his backhanded bragging can go jump in a lake. But wait, this isn't the end of the day.

I was eating dinner, and I had my arm over the side of the couch like I usually do, and the cat started clawing my arm again. I then got up, because I had finished my dinner, and went into the kitchen to get some dessert. I returned to find the dog in my seat. I tried to move him, but he wouldn't go no matter how much I tried to push him down. Finally, he had to be bribed with food to get down. I sat down to eat dessert, and the cat started clawing my arm again. By now, my day was just kinda getting really bad. So I stood up, looked down where the cat was, and yelled at the cat. (Yes, I realize that she probably did not understand what I was saying.) And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my last nerve.

You are now free to move about the Internet.

1 comment:

Courtney Young said...

i think u should stick your cat on teapot so she can claw at his arm...or face