Monday, October 27, 2008


I'm starting to think my problem is lack of sleep. So maybe if I sleep, things will magically fix themselves and people will actually talk to me again. Slash I'll at least be more content with myself and not truly need people around.

In other news, my Heaven and Hell teacher is too naive to be a good teacher, apparently I've pissed off all of my closest friends (and I do mean all, hence they are not talking to me. I don't know what I did, but I musta done something.)

Boy drama update: who cares? I've already resigned myself to a life of being alone anyway, so why worry about a guy not liking me if I know it's just going to end up that I will have no one anyway? If you think about it, it's a great mindset to have.

I've learned that by not straightening my hair, I look less like the "Berries and Cream" lad and more like an actual, normal female. I mean, I look like a guy anyway, but less so when my hair's curly.

And in other other news... My band director is a moron. He told us that we need to have his class be our priority since we perform the first Saturday of December. My thoughts, however, are that the after-school thing he's making me do (pit for the musical) is more of a priority because performances are sooner AND the music's harder. I mean, what is it with band directors and the mentality that their class rules all? Really?

Yeah. Just my update for the night.

Peace, love, and scratchy purple yarn.

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