Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oh well.

I survived Homecoming. In fact, I even had a chance to get my mind off shit and be normal. Strange, right? Yeah, I know. But here's my positive thing for the night...

MY HOMECOMING DRESS WAS FUCKING PERFECT!!!!! Okay, maybe not the most perfect, but it was nine dollars and it was a size 13! (For reference, I have been a size 16-verging-on-18 since I was in eighth grade.) I haven't been a size 13 since I was in sixth grade. That's six years, folks. Oh, and it's a gorgeous dress. So yeah. I was quite pleased.

I'm not pleased with a lot else, like this shitload of homework I didn't get to do today because my mom insisted that I fold laundry, but whatever. It's not like I'm going to graduate high school or go to college or anything, so whatever.

Oh, and in other news. The people from previous post are not dating, and both seem to be pretty pissed off. I don't know why. I know they were not near each other most of the night, which is strange to me but then again it takes strange to know strange.

I know I'm rambling a lot. I swear to drunk, officer, I'm not God! Slash, I'm serious, I haven't been drinking. I'm just in a mixture of moods. On the one hand, I'm pissed because none of my friends can be bothered to actually contact me and I am sick of being the one doing all of the conversation initiation. I'm upset because that means that I will lose said friends and end up alone. I am frustrated because boys are stupid. I am stressed about college. I am happy for... some strange reason that I have yet to identify, and I don't even think it's happiness. I think it's more like a lack of the desire to drive some kind of metal through my flesh. But even then. That's not close to happiness, is it? I am heartbroken, see last post for details. But, surprisingly, I am also in a neutral mood towards many of the males in my life. I am just so confused!

Oh well. I guess I'm doomed to life alone. Oh well. At least I'll have.... a cat, perhaps, to get me through stuff? Wow. That makes me sound so pathetic. Oh well.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I am glad you had a good time at homecoming. And your dress was nice. 9 bucks? You really know how to shop!