Friday, January 22, 2010


Promise not to lie or erase any of these questions?
Even if I do, how will you know?

How was your new years eve?

Are you afraid of falling in love?
I'm afraid of getting hurt because I'm in love. But I really want to fall in love one day. It's like... going skydiving. It's scary, and there's a chance you'll get really hurt, but it looks like a lot of fun and you don't want to let your fears get in the way of the bigger, better experience.

Where is your ex gf/bf right now?
Probably at his house.

Do you act differently around the person you like?
I don't really like anyone.

Whens the last time you talked to your ex? And what was it about?
Either last night about a story he wrote, or a few days ago about... nonsense, including the paper he wrote.

What is the WORST subject they teach at school?

Do you have any television obsessions?
Reba! And Teen Mom!

What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?

Do you love anybody?
Yes, but not in a romantic way.

What time did you fall asleep last night?
It was after 1.

Any songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone?
I can listen to them, I'm just very bitter when I do.

If the last girl/guy you hugged had sex with another girl/guy, what would you say?
"It's about time!"

Where is your mom right now?
At a work dinner.

Was last night terrible?
It was eh.

Have you broken a bone?

Are you single or taken? Why?
Single, because I don't know any guys who find me attractive.

What puts a smile on your face instantly?
"When the Day Met the Night" by Panic at the Disco

What was the funniest thing that happened in the last week?
My dog barking at a paper towel tube.

Who was the last person you gave a dirty look to?
My sister.

Would you ever dye your hair blonde?

When was the last time you changed in front of someone and who?
Kaitlyn when I stayed over.

Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Not really. Regardless of what he says, he'll judge me. Or otherwise be insensitive about it later.

Would you rather have a small dog or a big dog?
I want to have a St. Bernard when I grow up.

Are you happy with your relationship status?
I'd like a relationship, but being single is pretty good.

Do you wear your seat belt in the car?

Is your room ever clean?
When I'm not home.

If you woke up next to the last person you texted who would it be?
My mom.

Do you drink bottled water?
Not really.

Where did you get the shirt your wearing?

Think back five months ago, were you single?

Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
I haven't seen anyone all day. Literally.

How would you feel about traveling alone?
Eh, I'd prefer not to, but I'll do it if I must.

Do you know anyone that likes to chew ice?

How do you feel about studying?

If you could get a new cell phone right now, which would you choose?
EnV touch, just so I could draw when I got bored.

Any plans for New Year's yet?
No. The New Year just happened!

What are you excited for?

Do you care too much/not at all/just enough?
Too much.

What is wrong with you right now?
A lot of things.

What did you do this afternoon?

What are you doing tonight?

Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
I've only ever dated one person.

What time is it?
7:15 PM

Did your last kiss require you to stand on your tippy toes?
No. We were sitting down.

Favorite color(s)?

Do you ever wonder if you will get in a car accident and die?
I probably will, if I keep riding with my sister.

Who did you talk to before you went to bed last night?

Can you do a cartwheel without falling to the ground?

How much sleep did you get last night?
I dunno.

Think back to the last person you kissed, have you ever snuck them into your house?

What’s to your left?

Why did you last cry?
The other day..

Would you rather kiss in the rain, snow, or sunshine?

Last place you drove to?
Nowhere, just to make sure the battery charge would hold.

Current mood?

What do you currently hear?

What color is your hair?

Who was the first person you talked to today?
My cat.

What color is your cell phone?

Do people underestimate you?

Are you drinking anything?
No, but I want limeade.

Do you believe "Once a cheater, always a cheater"?
I want to believe people change, but then I remember that most people have patterns to their ignorance, and that means they won't change.

Where were you 2 hours ago?

Do you know anyone named Bob?

When did you last go swimming?

Do you have over 200 MySpace friends?

Do you think long distance relationships work out?
They can work. You just gotta be patient.

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Latest you stayed up in the past week?
Like 2.

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else?

Are you gonna get high later?
I wish.

How do you react when people sing "Happy Birthday" to you in a restaurant?

Say the guy/girl that hurt you the most showed up at your door with roses?
I'd just kinda stare at him.

Will next Friday be a good one?

Do you know any obnoxious people?
Yes. Most of the time, I'm one of those people.

Have you ever given out your number and then later regretted it?

Is sex the most important thing in a relationship?

One night stand or relationship?

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn't around now?

Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for?
"Hey, can you proofread my paper?"

As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
I'm hungry.

Anyone you're looking forward to seeing soon?
My Kaitlyn. Yes, she is mine.

Are you imagining anyone naked right now?

What woke you up this morning?
My sister turning on the lights.

Are you really tall or really short?
I'm neither.

Can you live without your cell phone?
Yeah. It's not like anyone calls/texts me anyway.

Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter, or the same height as you?
Taller, but I don't really care.

Do you regret anything you've done recently?

What color are your eyes?

Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?

Is there anyone you want to come see you?

Is there something that's happened yesterday that you don't want to ever go through again?
My sister's driving.

Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex?

Are you nice to everyone?
I try, but some people don't deserve it.

Where exactly were you when you entered 2010?
Kaitlyn's basement.

Ever been cheated on?

What's the most important part of a relationship in your opinion?
Honesty and trust.

Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?

Are you taller than your mom?
I dunno.

How long until your next birthday?

Do you hate being alone?

Do you think relationships are hard?
They don't have to be.

Do you have a favorite number?

Where was the last place you went besides your house?

Doesn't it annoy you when couples post things to each other's wall on Facebook?
Sometimes it's cute, but sometimes it's excessive.

Is there anything you are currently procrastinating on?

What are you doing tonight?

What would you like to drink now?

Are you wasting your time on someone?

What's the first thing that pops into your head when you think of last summer?

Where do you wish you were right now?

Do you think someone is falling in love with you?
I know that no one is.

Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you?

If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
Bedding and pillows. And me.

Last person to take your pants off?

Do you curse in front of your parents?
Not usually.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you?
I don't know for sure, but I think it's my ex, who is doing it anonymously.

This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

Do you find piercings attractive?
Yes, to an extent.

Are you the type of person to make people laugh?
Not intentionally.

Whats so special about what you're wearing?

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Tattoo, maybe.

Would you say that you are emotionally strong?
I haven't died yet, have I?

What time is it?

Four months ago, who did you have a crush on?
I was still kinda missing my ex.

Who was the last person to wear your clothes?

What did the last text in your inbox say? From Who?
Did you eat? Did you feed the animals? We're just now having dessert so I'll be home in about an hour. -- Mom.

When is the next time you will see your best friend?

Do you regret something you did the day before yesterday?
N0. I don't think I did anything.

Is someone on your mind right now?

Are you listening to music right now?

What do you think of when you think of your last kiss?
I make a strange face and move on.

Have you ever lived with your (ex) girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I probably have.

Next time you will kiss someone?
Probably never.

Did your last kiss take place on a bed?

Were you single on Valentine's Day?

Anyone you would like to get things straight with?

Did you sleep alone last night?
No. My kitty was in the bed with me because, well, it's her bed.

Would you ever eat a bug for 1,000 dollars?
What kind of bug?

The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?

When was the last time something bothered you?

What time did you wake up today?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
My ex might, still, but no one who actually matters does..

So, you have brown eyes?

What's the song you hear right now?
I don't know what it's called, but Fallout Boy.

What was the last thing you ate?

Does anyone call you babe or baby?

Is your best friend in love?
She might still be, but she's mostly just trying to be meh at the moment.

Is it possible to be JUST friends with someone you wanna be with?
Yeah. It hurts, but yeah.

The last person to hurt you apologizes, do you accept?

When you hear the name Roy, do you think of a boy or a girl and why?
Boy, because it's a boy's name.

Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?

Think back to September, were you in a relationship?

Who's birthday is coming up?
How should I know?

Could you go a month without talking to your best friend?
No! Barely talking to her over break isn't very fun as it is.

Could things possibly get any better?
They could go either way.

Is anything bothering you?

What was the last drink you had?

Are there certain things that can't be joked about with you?
You can joke about it, but wait a week if it's something that just happened.

Do you have feelings for someone?

What was for dinner tonight?
Build-your-own Grand Slam

Would you be able to name everyone you kissed?
Yes, it's a short list. Tyler and Jorden.

What are you wearing on your feet?

Is there someone that you want to see?

Ever had a feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?

Do you want to cut your hair?
Yes, but I also want it to be long.

Is your hair longer than your shoulders?
If I tilt my head back.

Do you like your hair?

Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I hope not.

What's one thing that really pisses you off?

Are your eyes the same color as your Mom's or Dad's?
They're a bit more golden than Mom's.

The shirt you're wearing, does anyone else have it?
Yes. The whole cast/crew of JCS has it.

What holiday is closest to your birthday?
Cinco de Mayo.

Who did you last go to the mall with?
Stephi, Carolyn, Edward, Emily, and Julianna

Do you know when your parents' anniversary is?
I don't know. It's not like they're married or anything.

Is there a difference between love and IN love?

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