Friday, December 26, 2008


I tried to throw a fish at Bubbles today.

Yes, you read that right. Okay, fine, it wasn't a real fish. I mean, that wouldn't have worked anyway. We were talking on AIM, and I reminded her to write a blog entry since it has been one bajillion years and 31 minutes since she has done so. And we have had this fish joke forever. So I tried to IM her an emoticon fish.

Let me tell you about my expertise in emoticons. I can do the traditional :-) and :-( and <3.><. Fish. Except it did not turn out like that when I hit "send." It sent as <-)))><. That, ladies and gentlemen, is NOT a fishy. That is the jumble that comes out when you bang your head on the keyboard in frustration. So I spaced it out. I sent Bubbles a very LONG fish. It looks something like this:

< ) ) ) > <. Fish. Fishy fish fisharoo fishness fishdom. I am trying to make fish sound like it's not a word anymore. Fish fish fish fish fish.

In other news. I have been accepted to the college of my choice: Frostburg State University. Yay me. My letter came on December 26. I consider it my late Christmas present from the postal service.

In other-other news, I smell like fire. Or like smoke from a fire. I'd say I smell like smoke but for some reason my friends would associate that with cigarettes. I swear I don't do that! .... Why fire, you ask? Because I was at my friend Duck's house with my other friends Dave, the Spaniard, and the Spaniard's girlfriend Tinkerbell. And we started a fire (in a firepit! Don't worry, we didn't burn anything down). And I was sitting right next to it. It was really warm.

In otherness news, my boy from a zillion posts ago, the one who went to Homecoming with another girl? Is apparently dating someone now. And I am surprised at how little I actually care about that. I mean, it hurt that Tinkerbell felt the need to tell me that The Boy had written in his FB status that he loves some unnamed girl, but still. I don't care. There is a lot of not-caring going on with Catnip.

Okay, well, that's all. This post made no sense anyway.

Peace, love, and rainbow trout.


Courtney Young said...

well that was fun to read.

~J*~ On Life said...

