Sunday, December 21, 2008


So, the other day my mom was reading a newsletter from the.... what's it called, organization?.... that manages all the people who work in her field (the Cardiac Catheterization lab, that's where my mom works). And the branch for the lovely state of Henrietta-Marialand (yes, that's the REAL nomenclature for the state) has put out a statement that could put my mom's job in danger. See, there's this other license a person can hold that, in most states, is equivalent to the license my mom has (it's kinda like the relationship between a GED and a HS Diploma. But anyway.). In the state of Maryland, though, that first license is not recognized and therefore is meaningless. In other words, a person working in a hospital in the state of Maryland who has this license is, technically, not licensed and therefore doing something highly illegal. My mom does NOT have this license, she has one that is recognized pretty much everywhere. But one of her co-workers has the unrecognized license (which, btw, is recognized in the District and Virginia.). And the organization that oversees people in this field have said that any physician or tech [which is what my mom does] who is working in the Cath Lab with the "unlicensed" person can face fines and possibly lose their own license. My mother's hospital, which is supposedly the worst one to work for in this area, possibly the state, has said that they WILL NOT FIRE THIS WOMAN because one of the doctors likes having her around. They have said that they will pay any fines (which, once they are caught, is $10,000 per day until this woman is fired.). But they have no control over innocent doctors, nurses, and techs losing their licenses, and therefore are not held responsible for those. If my mother loses her license, she cannot get a job elsewhere. So currently, she is trying to find a job at another hospital. The problem there is that she picked this hospital in the first place because, while it sucks to work there, it pays REALLY well. Like, really, we are very fortunate. We haven't really felt the recession. There's a hospital that is closer to our house (it's in Annapolis) that has a job opening, but we don't know how much they're willing to pay her. We know that they will be willing to hire her, as they were willing to the last time she applied there. But money's an issue. I'm going off to college, most likely one where I will have to live on-campus (although I told my mom that I will, and I do mean will, go to community college if that's what we need me to do.) Currently, my sister and I are both enrolled in private school. I mean, I know that makes us seem like "spoiled rich kids" but we really aren't. We were still in private school when my mom was in X-ray school and we had utilities shut off EVERY WEEK and even had the car repossessed once (got it back, though.). My mom puts education first. I'm just afraid that utilities will be shut off again and it'll be like middle school (which sucked in that regard.). And now we might have to go back to that because MY MOTHER'S HOSPITAL IS RUN BY MORONS!!! Seriously, BOYCOTT SOUTHERN MARYLAND HOSPITAL CENTER!!!

I was reading my friend Highway's (also known as J) blog, and his mom is having issues finding work. Now, I understand, his situation sucks big time. His mom's trying to find an alternate situation so she can do her best for them. So Highway J may have to go live with his father. And, lemme tell ya, the fact that Highway J is willing to leave his mom? Is huge. And very strong of him. But I don't wanna sound like I'm making his problem smaller when I say that hey, at least he HAS a dad to go live with. My dad? Lives in a garage apartment and is technically a fugitive. If my mom loses her job, we don't have anywhere to go. I mean, I am NOT about to switch schools in the middle of my senior year, especially when I love my school a lot. Don't get me wrong, J would probably have to switch schools for HIS senior year... but it's not the middle of the year, see? And I really do feel for J's situation. His situation is because of that stupid recession. (Ours isn't, and I'm so thankful for that. I mean, in the holiday season, I have tipped extra and donated more because I knew others needed that money, and I do have extra and I am sooo appreciative of that.). But y'know, his situation, in a way, is better than mine (but also worse.).

Ah, well. Maybe Saint Obama will provide a Christmas miracle, huh?

Peace, love, and HOSPITAL BOYCOTTS!

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