Monday, February 22, 2010

Yeah, it's about you.

Let's start out blunt, have you had sex in the last 72 hours?
No ma'am I haven't.

If you could, would you hookup with the last girl/boy you texted?
I would not hook up with a girl, because I'm not into girls. And the last boy I texted was.... my ex... enough said.

The past 72 hours have you been under the influence?

How's your most recent ex doing?
From Facebook stalking, I assume he and his new girl are extremely happy. Oh darn.

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn't around now?
Yeah. Try... well, anyone I've ever referred to as "best friend."

In June were you in a relationship?

What time did you go to sleep last night?
Well, I got into bed at 11. I didn't fall asleep until well after 1 though.

Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?

Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years?
Learning from past experience, I'm gonna say we won't even be best friends in ten months. But she says she's not going anywhere, and I kinda believe it, so we'll see.

Is there someone in your life you wish you never met?
Eh... debatable.

Did you sleep well last night?

Did you ever kiss someone with a tattoo?
I don't know.

Has anyone put they're arm around you in the past 5 days?
No. Also, it's *their.*

Do you plan on moving within the next 2 years?
Yeah. Moving out of this dorm to go back home, and then moving from home back up here (to a different dorm).

How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2009?
In 2009? Two.

Have you told anyone that you missed them lately?

Have you ever liked anyone that has treated you crappy?
Yeah, story of my life.

Do you think if you died that the last person you kissed would even care?
I'm actually pretty sure he would, since I'm half-convinced he still has feelings for me.

Are you nice to everyone?
I'm at least civil to people, I don't know about being nice to everyone though.

Do you believe your latest ex cares about you?
Like I said, I'm pretty sure he still has feelings for me, so yeah.

Your best friend needs you at 3 am, do you go help them?
Yes ma'am. Gimme enough time to put on my shoes and walk down to her room/ drive to her house and I am there.

Did you sleep alone last night?
Yep. As usual.

Are you close with your mother?

Are you close with your brother/sister?
We hate each other.

Have you ever woke up next to someone and wanted to puke?

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?

Have you ever had braces?

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
I could, but I probably won't.

Do you fall fast for people?
Uh... not fast, necessarily, but hard.

Do you think your ex has moved on and is happier with another person?
I don't think he's moved on, but he certainly seems to be happier with her than with me.

Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Not particularly. I mean, I tell him a lot of things regardless, but I wouldn't tell him most stuff.

Are you heartbroken in any way?
Eh. Yeah. I think the last time it happened, a piece was lost and it can't be put back together yet.

What are you doing after this?
Another survey, most likely.

Is something bothering you?

Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it?
It'd be easier to count promises that have been kept.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I certainly hope not, but you never know when it comes to us lonely types.

Are you afraid of roller coasters?
I love roller coasters.

What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Homework or laundry.

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
I think so, but she doesn't, so I suppose not.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Warm. I am so done with the cold.

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
Not the last time I kissed him, no, but a different time with him, yes.

Have you ever kissed in the rain?

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
No. Some people do. Some do not.

Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment?

Are you jealous of anyone right now?
Yeah. Anyone who has anything happening in their lives right now. Anyone who's happy. Anyone who's not me.

Do you get along more with girls or guys?
No one.

Does anyone disgust you?
A little.

Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
Numbness, emptiness, you know, those emotions that are really lacks of emotion.

What was the last thing that pissed you off?
The realization I just made. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck.

Whats the first thing you think of when someone mentions your recent ex's name?
Lying cheating bastard.

If you had to choose between money and love, what would you choose?
Love. I know how to live without money. I mean, I know how to live without love, too, but love is the more fulfilling of the two.

Have you ever wanted to never give up on someone?
Yeah, but I ended up giving up.

Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?
I answer the phone. And before he gets too far into things, I remind him that we have not had a proper conversation in three years and that him calling is extremely unexpected. Then I hear what he has to say.

Whats your most recent ex doing?
Probably screwing his girlfriend.

Will you introduce the last person you kissed to your parents?
I did.

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
You mean besides my ex? No.

What would you do if you saw the last person you kissed?
Same thing I did the last time I saw him: Look away and try to do something else so that he won't talk to me.

Do you have any weird inside jokes?
Swiss Chocolate, yellow pudding, cake and ice cream.

If you could go back to one month what month would it be?
I dunno.

My kissing history.

1. Do you remember the person you first kissed?
His name was Tyler, I'd only known him for an hour. He was 21, I was 17, we were in Autumn's hot tub at her birthday party and we were playing Truth or Dare.

2. Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?

3. Have you kissed anyone in your friends list?

4. Ever kiss a "best friend"?

5. Kissed someone within a day of having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
I don't understand.

6. Ever kissed someone younger than you?

7. Older than you?

8. Have you ever kissed someone you hated?
I was heartbroken, but that wasn't hatred.

9. Ever made out with someone who was a really bad kisser?
I wouldn't know.

10. Who is the best kisser?
I dunno.

11. Do you remember the last time you kissed someone?
It was July, I think.

12. Was it a game?
Yeah. His game with my emotions.

13. Was the person your age?
No. Two years younger.

14. Was it a boyfriend/girlfriend/etc.?

It was an *ex* boyfriend.

15. Do you regret that kiss?

Ten Favorites:

1. Family member:
My aunt Cindy and my uncle KT

2. Person:

3. Color(s):
Green. Gray. Dark colors.

4. Sport:
Underwater Basket Weaving.

5. Mall:
Towson is a very nice mall. I would shop there exclusively if I could.

6. Song:
"Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.

7. Food:
Chinese, methinks, although there really is nothing better than a good steak.

8. Season:
None. I hate weather with an undying passion.

9. Day:

10. City:

Ten facts.

1. Height:

2. Hair color:

3. Hair length:
Shoulder-length but I'm gonna grow it long like it used to be.

4. Hair style:
Uh... brush it and go?

5. Eye color:

6. Shoe size:

7. Smell:
Um... soap/shampoo.

8. Available?
Painfully so.

9. Have any plans for today?
Go to bed around 11.

Ten things about my love life.

1. Have you ever been in love?

2. Do you believe in love?
I suppose.

3. Why did your last relationship fail?
Well, apparently I wasn't enough/good enough for him, also I was leaving for college.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I hope not.

5. Have you ever fallen for one of your best friends?
Eh. It's complicated. He and I started as good friends, but considering we haven't spoken in three years, I don't know.

6. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?

7. Are you afraid of commitment?

8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

9. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in attraction at first sight.

Ten things: this or that.

1. Love or money?

2. Hard liquor or beer?
Hard liquor. Get me drunk quickly.

3. Hookups or relationships?

4. Television or internet?

5. Pepsi or coke?

6. Chocolate or vanilla?

7. Colored or black and white pictures?

8. Phone or in person?
In person.

9. MSN or Myspace?

Ten have you ever's.

1. Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
I... don't sneak out....

2. Have you ever skinny dipped?
No. I prefer my clothes to be on, thank you.

3. Have you ever done something you regret?

4. Have you ever bungee jumped?

5. Have you ever been on a boat house?
You mean a house boat? No.

6. Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?

7. Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt but you never told them?

8. Have you ever been streaking?

9. Have you ever ran away?

Ten emotions.

1. Are you missing someone right now?

2. Are you happy?
I'm.... neutral in a positive way.

3. Are you talking to anyone right now?

4. Are you bored?

5. Are you German?
My mother's maiden name is Horstkamp. You tell me.

6. Are you Swedish?

7. Are you French?

8. Are you Indian?

9. Are your parents still married?

10. Do you like someone now?

Ten right now's.

1. Thinking about:
This annoying ticking noise.

2. Are you eating?
Just finished a bag of SweeTart conversation hearts.

3. Are you happy?

4. What were you doing an hour ago?

5. What are you wearing?
Pajama pants and a T-shirt.

6. Are you cold?
A little. But it gets too hot when I turn the heat on.

7. Are you excited?
For what?

8. Are you upset?

9. What is your current mood?
Don't have one.

10. Are you alone?
Nah. Roomie just walked into the room. Hi, roomie!

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