Thursday, June 18, 2009


Greetings, people!

According to Blogger, my last post was.... February 8. What is today? Today, my friends, is June 18. So what does this mean to you? Probably nothing. You probably barely noticed my absence. But for those of you who DID, and miss my life and its stories, let me give you a brief run-through of life since then. Please note that February and March are horrible blurs I never want to think about again.

February: Uh.... Valentine's Day? I curled up in a ball and slept. I don't mind V-Day though. I was just very tired most likely.

March: Uh... From the endish of February to the beginning of March, my mommy was in the hospital with a kidney infection. She's fine now. But I had to take her place taking care of the house while she was sick. March 3rd was her birthday. I made her a cake. That cake lasted until late April. No lie. (But the cake is a lie?) Later that month, blurring into April....

April: I started/continued talking to Tubaman, who may get his own post eventually. Then he asked me out (like, all official-like, which will get its own post) on April 5, 2009. Aprilaprilapril... Could not have finished fast enough. Like, really, when was May going to get there? Also, my laptop contracted Swine Flu and had to be sent to my friend's house to be analyzed for repairs.

May: Right off the bat, I turned 18. May 4, 2009. This will slightly complicate things with Tubaman, but that will be discussed the next time I post (if I remember). Still no word on the laptop. Prom with Tubaman. Dramallamallama. Finals. News that the hard drive in my laptop died, and that it will be $80 to get a new one. Gradjitation (May 23). I win. Laptop was said to have been available by that date. Two days later, I find out that laptop is indefinitely being held until the part comes in.

June: The part still isn't in. I really hate using the desktop (hence why I haven't blogged). I managed to rid the desktop of its viruses though. Go me. In other news, Tubaman and I are still together, but I'm not sure for how much longer. Also, Bubbles seems to have vanished. I mean, I'm sure if I hired a bloodhound like the cat does in the kitty litter commercial, I could find her. And I know she's still alive, because she sent me a chain text! All is not lost with my Bubbles! But I don't know why she hasn't responded to my IMs. I do hope she's okay. She's my best friend after all.

So what does the future hold for me as of now? This weekend, I'm going to Frostburg, MD, for Preview FSU, which is like a pre-orientation thingy. I really don't want to go, actually, but I have to. Oh well. I said the same thing about Senior Retreat in April/May and ended up having a good time.

Oh, and I have another post already generated in my head. (Not the Tubaman post, though.)

Peace, love, and Bobcats.

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